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R564_G_12.00.45P ilove3d VIII Print E-mail
Sunday, 31 December 2006
The new firmware mod by ilove3d gives you three major improvements:
1. If you have file xxx.tar.gz on your SD card and you "start" it by the phone file manager - then the contents will be extracted to a folder xxx
2. You can directly start a .lin scripts. No more need to install the mpkg programs - you can directly start their .lin files
3. Support of automatic installation of .mtf skins
The good news for all modders is that all sources of the ilove3d scripts are available for review in the phone file system. Nothing is hidden and all sources are viewable
Other important feature is that in filemanager/Others/, there's My_FAVOR folder. In this folder you can put:
- myfont.ttf to change system font
- ezx_volumetable.cfg to change system volumetable
- ui_start_up_mono.wav to cange system powerup sound (originally silent)
* you can see the /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S68fay --that's the top bash script to surpport autorun startup.txt
Now on the user side - the pack originally contains 3 themes:
theme1 : Black
theme2 : Orange (default)
theme3 : CuteBear (by momo_chemo, cuteskin for girls)
there's "Skins" option in editting theme
In filemanager/Others/, there's My_BORDER folder, you can put your own favorite border, and when taking photo, you can choose your own border
* filename should be *.png
Deleted any ChinaMobile links and files, you cannot see anything related to ChinaMobile (but still in data connection, for Chinese)
Download HERE
*** the autorun script should be named startup.txt, and placed in SDcard/autorun/
*** if you no need to save it , please delete the startup.txt
*** have fun
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