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Friday, 26 January 2007

Motorola ROKR E2 



Motorola ROKR E2

45P final version from mine
final, but not fantasy IX  :-)


Motorola ROKR E2

automatic poweron poweroff function: ( by tomlih from moto.it168.com )

you need to use "not-only-vibrate" profile, for the key poweron/off program is alertprocess

  creat alarm named "poweron" or "poweroff" , and it will poweron/poweroff at the time you set
  *** you should not disturbe when the phone is alarming the "poweron"/"poweroff"
  *** the phone will reboot before poweron/poweroff, it's normal, do not disturbe too
  *** you can use "Silence.mid" to make the automatic poweron/off silently
  *** the default snoozetime is 1 minutes, donnt change it for automatic poweron/off function


contains the newest busybox 1.4, and in /bin there're very large number of telnet commands

about 2xx commands.


Motorola ROKR E2

defaultly "Alienware" skin ( by arpin520 from moto.it168.com )
cool and very perfect one.

also have the classic Orange and Black ones.


  myfont.ttf to change font
  ezx_volumetable.cfg to change volumetable
  ui_start_up_mono.wav to change powerup sound(defaultly I made it silence)
  skin links to /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin
  setuptheme links to /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setuptheme
  you can copy your own *.png borders to take photo


I changed the defaultly font to FZ+E6 font ( by Hello36 from moto.it168.com )


there's LinkSYS in "office tools", you can make a link to rootfs in filemanager
click to link, click again to delete the link


Motorola ROKR E2

autorun scripts: you can see it in ( use Ultraedit, or gedit )


Motorola ROKR E2

busybox & /bin commands:

                    W e l c o m e   t o   T e l n e t

OS: MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Consumer Electronics Edition 3.1
Firmware: ilove3d--45P--IX
Kernel: 2.4.20_mvlcee31-mainstone_pxa27x/armv5tel
(none) login: root

# cd ..
# cd bin
# ls
[                  fakeidentd         mdev               sleep
[[                 fakelogin3         mesg               softlimit
addgroup           false              mkdir              sort
adduser            fbset              mkfifo             start-stop
adjtimex           fdflush            mkfs.minix         stat
ar                 fdformat           mknod              strings
arp                fdisk              mkswap             stty
arping             fgrep              mktemp             su
ash                find               modprobe           sulogin
awk                fold               more               sum
basename           free               mount              swapoff
bash               freeramdisk        mountpoint         swapon
bbconfig           fsck.minix         mt                 switch_roo
bunzip2            ftpget             mv                 sync
busybox            ftpput             nano               sysctl
bzcat              fuser              netstat            syslogd
cal                getopt             nice               tail
cat                getty              nmeter             tar
catv               grep               nohup              tee
chgrp              gunzip             nslookup           telnet
chmod              gzip               od                 telnetd
chown              halt               openvt             test
chpst              hdparm             passwd             tftp
chroot             head               patch              time
chvt               hexdump            pidof              top
cksum              hostid             ping               touch
clear              hostname           pipe_progress      tr
cmp                httpd              pivot_root         traceroute
comm               hwclock            poweroff           true
cp                 id                 printenv           tty
cpio               ifconfig           printf             udhcpc
crond              inetd              ps                 udhcpd
crontab            init               pwd                umount
cut                insmod             raidautorun        uname
date               install            rdate              uncompress
dc                 ipcrm              readlink           uniq
dd                 ipcs               readprofile        unix2dos
deallocvt          kill               realpath           unlzma
delgroup           killall            reboot             unrar
deluser            killall5           renice             unzip
df                 klogd              reset              uptime
dhcprelay          last               resize             usleep
diff               ldd                rm                 uudecode
dir                length             rmdir              uuencode
dirname            less               rmmod              vconfig
dmesg              linux32            route              vi
dos2unix           linux64            rpm                vlock
dpkg               linuxrc            rpm2cpio           watch
dpkg-deb           ln                 run-parts          watchdog
du                 loadfont           runlevel           wc
dumpkmap           loadkmap           rx                 wget
dumpleases         logger             sed                which
echo               login              seq                who
ed                 logname            setarch            whoami
egrep              logread            setconsole         xargs
eject              losetup            setkeycodes        yes
env                ls                 setlogcons         zcat
envdir             lsmod              setsid             zcip
envuidgid          lzmacat            setuidgid
ether-wake         makedevs           sh
expr               md5sum             sha1sum
# busybox
BusyBox v1.4.0 (2007-01-22 18:25:29 CST) multi-call binary

Motorola ROKR E2

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Motorola ROKR E2

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