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R564_G_12.06.41P ilove3d VIII Print E-mail
Saturday, 17 February 2007

ilove3d-41P-8 - international edition (full English)

Motorola Skin files are designed to personalize the user interface of your Motorola phone by using Motorola Phone Tools or other kinds of mobile phone applications. However, before installing these skin files, you should read the following guidelines carefully to enhance the features of your mobile phone.

All mods before are included. TThis fw is based on 41P, and copied new files from 48P
The "big link" links are cancled, the cost is you lost many good skins, but you can flash the language packs you like now.

Defaultly only 3 skins, based on Classic Black named as ClassicBlack, LightBlack, GlassBlack. Only 1 theme "DEFAULT" shown in thememanager defaultly. You can "delete" the original skin files

Still the "old" functions:摩托罗拉,A1200,V3,V3c,V3i,E680,E680i,E398,E2,L6,L7,铃声下载,图片下载,刷机,手机视频,面板,主题,手机软件,手机MTV,电子书Z        H-p        v&YM
click * then * :
.sh .lin to run it . no matter it's a shell script or a program.it168.com:G[G;T+xyef E"VeV
.mtf .skin.zip .skin.rar . it will extract to /ezxlocal/download/appwrite , as the skin installer to install "skin pack"
.tar.gz .rar .zip . it will extract to folder $pwd/[filename] ( original is [filename.xxx] )
.ins . it will extract to / , as the use of install "installation pack"
Advance: surpports filename that contains space (like this: xxx xx.xxx )
Included a "DIY ToolBox" in Office Tools:
CrazySKIN: A tool that install skins from sd card. It can install all skins you putted in /mmc/mmca1/crazyskin/
Surpported skin types:
.tar.gz ( notice it's also the same struct as .mtf , DO NOT TRY NORMAL .tar.gz FILES )
skin.zip ( notice, it should be in english file name )
.skin.rar ( notice, it should be in english file name )
The installed skin packages will rename to "$2~", that's add a "~" at the end, so the packages wont be installed again by wrong operation

RefreshSKIN: A tool that refresh the skin permissons so you wont be unable to edit the skins you installed. It also can reload the skin, so you dont need to reboot to see the whole visual effect
Click, ding means start, dingdong means finished.

ScreenCAP: A tool that take snap of the phone , to /mmc/mmca1/cap
Usage: click, shuttersound means that it's taking snap. You can create a folder named [$a $b], $a for about how long to take a short once, $b for how many times of shots you want to take. there is a space between then, do not include the "[]"

LinkSys: A tool that make a "system" which links to / in your file manager. Notice that when the system is shown, you cannt refresh the media. Usage: click to show(sounds ding), click to remove(sounds dingdong)
moto.it168.com;r&R6s        {%p
SwapMEM: usage: click, ding means the swap is on, click dingdong means off. Notice: firstly use it, it will make the swapfile. it will take a long time. the file is in /mmc/mmca1/swap/swapfile. If you want to remove your sd card, make sure the swap is off

Reboot: It will do "reboot -d -f -i" command. When you clicked , you have no way to cancel - the phone will reboot in 1 second, so do not carelessly touch this buttonIT168摩托罗拉论坛HBK,}i,jd
The functions all included in /usr/SYSqtapp/ilove3d diytools, all shell scripts
"new" things:
Surpports ext2 file system, included ext2.o module by whitemoto. The key is in /etc/init.d/modutils. /lib/modules/ext2.o surpports mmca1 5 6 7 partitions. only mmca1 will be automaticly mounted on
Old autorun functions:

My_SKIN/skin setuptheme - links to /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin setuptheme. You can copy or delete skins/themes more quickly.

My_FAVOR - you can put in the files and reboot to replace the system files:

My_BORDER - you can put in your own border images. and also you can "delete" the original borders
autorun scripts:
you can check it in /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S70fay and /etc/autorun.txt

notice: I included a kill_am.sh , but not automaticlly runs it. If your phone has the problem below, you need to enable it by delete "#" whick infront of . /etc/kill_am.sh , in /ezxlocal/autorun.txt. The problem is that the phone dont recive message in time (always delayed). I can't get into messaging even the phone is powered on for a long time.
autopower from tomlih: you can creat alarms named as:
- poweron : which can make your phone powered on automaticly at the time you marked
- poweroff : which can make your phone powered off automaticly at the time you marked
The newest version of autopower. it can run correctly at all profiles. even the silence, or vibrate
Download HERE

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