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R564_G_12.00.48P ilove3d II Print E-mail
Friday, 02 March 2007

The readme from the archive:

           terms of use:

DO NOT use my fw for commecial use. You can share it free.
This fw may cause your phone down, take it at your own risk.
Using it means you agree with this anouncement.
The authors have all rights reserved.

file list:

is the ap part ( application process )

is the bp part ( base-band process )

is the source files(source archive must extract to linux file system under linux system. Otherwise the files will be corrupted. )

is the original 12.00.48P_lang0015. but you may like other lang pack other than this Chinese

is the English resource patch, make all the Chinese things to English
( skin's info, DIY Tools, etc. )


1,flash the bp first through bp mode

2,flash the ap through ap mode

3,flash the patch through ap mode.(optional)

* dont know how to flash? search for a guide.


this fw presents also the full source files and some guide notes text
you can make all of them your own easily.


the skins are linked to /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/skin as default.
the origin skins can be deleted. and when reboot, it wont get back. until you do a master clear.
the origin skins also can be edit, copy it out, edit, then copy it back.


/bin/busybox1.4.0 compiled by wyl0502(dotmonkey at openezx org.). includes large number of commands

/bin/bash by onlyone33. surpports full operation of telnet and bash

/bin/autopower by tomlih. supports automatic poweron and poweroff function. you just need to creat the alarm named as "poweron" or "poweroff" to make the phone power on/off at the time you set

/bin/unrar by whitemoto . supports extract .rar files

/lib/* /usr/lib/* /usr/lib/ezx/lib/* /usr/sbin/* all copied from older engineering fws, surpports the telnet and samba

/etc/rc.d/rc2.0/S70fay is the script to make the phone surpports diy functions, as run autorun scripts and do replacement of system files
/ezxlocal/autorun.txt is the second autorun script, it's writeable

/usr/SYSqtapp/mystuff/check_mystuff_fs.sh is the script to creat My_*** folders


unrecognized files/My_***:

myfont.ttf (system font)| ezx_volumetable.cfg (system volume)| ui_start_up_mono.wav(poweron sound)
put in , reboot, and mounted

put in your own borders and use them when taking photo

which links to /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/ skin setuptheme
for you to delete or copy skin & theme files

all the alert sound of my *.lin scripts below:
most common:

ding for on
dingdong for off

ding for start
dingdong for end

beep for wrong,or for the first time, or etc.

beep for run the script or program


* click and extract [.tar.gz] file, or [.mtf] skin package, [.ins] installation package

* click and run [.sh] or [.lin] script or program

* click and extract [.zip] or [.rar] file, or [.skin.zip] [.skin.rar] skin package

DIY ToolBox

* screen capture tool. you can creat the folder in /mmc/mmca1/cap, named "$1 $2" to control the time of cap. $1 as time of each cap, $2 as how many times you want to cap
$1 $2 should not bigger than 10

* refresh the skin files' permissons, and refresh the visual style of phone_p.ini and etc.

* extract a 12mb of swapfile to your sd card(at first), and make it as the swap memory
* click on, click off
* do not remove the sd card when swap is on

* make a link "system' -> / in file manager
* click on, click off
* when it's on, you cannt fresh the media

* install a number of skins at one time
* you need to put the skin packages( .mtf, .tar.gz, .skin.zip, .skin.rar ) to /mmc/mmca1/crazyskin. installed packages will rename to *~


silence option of shutter soud in taking picture

removed promt of web access

mpkg installation surpport


usbnet option in connection

prefer storage area of sms in sms option

watch the system's file through bultin opera browser by url "file://localhost/" or "/"

click and see plain txt file

deleted lot of junk files


too many things , maybe not all included in this description.

just know it, it's all function, it's my newest until now ( 2007-02-26 )


ilove3d, moto.it168.com


Download HERE

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