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cTunes by chandan777 Print E-mail
Sunday, 01 April 2007

 cTunes is a small and fast java applications for Midp2.0 phones that looks similar to iTunes.

Download HERE

Tutorial for installing on Motorola ROKR E2 by chandan777 with special thanks to DaTsunami)

Installation instructions for Motorola ROKR E2:

1. Uninstall the app if you have already installed it.
(Thanks to DaTsunami for finding this)
1.1 Make sure that the cTunes.jad file has the StorageCard property set correctly. If you formated you SD card and changed the label to something else for eg. TEST, then change the property to "StorageCard: file:///TEST/", otherwise it should be "StorageCard: file:///SD/". If you are in doubt, format the SD card from the phone and use file:///SD/. I think that might work.

2. Copy the cTunes.jad and cTunes.jar files to the SD card.

3. From the phone's file manager install the cTunes.jad file.

4. When prompted where to install the app, make sure you select the "Memory Card" option and not the "Phone".

5. After install connect the phone to you PC in mass storage mode.

6. Browse the memory card into \.system\java\DownloadApps\MIDlet200XXX folder. The XXX should be replaced by the proper number which may be 000 if this is the only java app installed on you memory card.

7. Make sure that the app is really cTunes app by checking for \.system\java\DownloadApps\MIDlet200XXX\Files\cTunes.jar.

8. Now edit \.system\java\DownloadApps\MIDlet200XXX\registry.txt and perform the following steps:
(Thanks to DaTsunami for the following steps)
8.1. Set DRM: Allowed.

8.2. Set Is-Trusted: 1.

8.3. Set Domain: Trusted Third Party.

8.4. Save and exit the file. Then on phone, highlight cTunes, Options->Manage->View Java Permissions.. Set the User Read/Write to Ask Once.

8.5. Edit again registry.txt.

8.6. This time, set Domain: Operator

9. Save and exit the file and now your app should run fine!

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