Take screenshots from E2 screen Print E-mail
Saturday, 14 October 2006

Yes, it is possible to do a raw screenshot image and then convert it to bitmap by a single command in the shell on Motorola ROKR E2.

What you need:
1. You need to have Telnet Access to the Motorola E2 phone
2. You need fb2bmp if you are on Windows or fbgrab if you are on Linux


What to do:
1. Connect to the shell
2. Excecute the following command:
# cat /dev/fb0 > /mmc/mmca1/my.screenshot
where "my.screenshot" will be the filename
3. You can disconnect and switch your phone to memory card mode
4. You will see "my.screenshot" into the root folder of your Flash Card
5. Download that raw image to your computer
6. Use fb2bmp or fbgrab to convert it to readable image

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