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EZXCodec 1.3.5 by Rocket Print E-mail
Thursday, 21 August 2008
EZXCodec - editing of EZX-based cellphones' firmware in Windows environment.

Original topic in Russian: http://forum.motofan.ru/index.php?showtopic=125183
What program can do at the moment:
-extract codegroups from firmware file (*.SBF)
-extract files and folders CramFS from codegroups
-compile CramFS codegroups from files and folders keeping original properties and codegroup size (based on the info, obtained when decompile codegroups)
-compile firmware file from codegroups (based on the info, obtained when decompile firmware)
-extract files from Motoskin (iconres.ezx) file (recognizes and renames GIF, JPEG and PNG picture files, converts "k"-format files to BMP)
-compile Motoskin (iconres.ezx) file from picture files (simply changes GIF, JPEG and PNG files' extension to .g, converts BMP to "k")
-extract and change bootscreen picture in CG39 (known to work with least A1200 and E6)
-script support - it is possible to launch commands from special text files to apply patches replacing, adding or deleting files from CramFS codegroups or from Motoskin (iconres.ezx) files, or editing configuration files in CramFS codegroups

Starting from version 1.0 EZXCodec does not require help of external programs cramfsck.exe and mkcramfs.exe when working with CramFS. You can safely remove "tools" subfolder of EZXCodec's folder, if it exists, file from there won't be used anyway.
Download HERE

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