Tuesday, 09 December 2008 |
This monster pack is a mix between 45P and 48P. It has much free memory (~11MB RAM) and stands very stable (at least on my phone). The speed is more than good - maybe one of the fastest MPs I've ever seen.

One of the biggest differences from the regular MPs is the method of mounting system files:
1. In the "addressbook" folder you can upload the libezxaddrbkeng file;
2. In the "flexbit" folder you can add custom ezx_flexbit.cfg;
3. In the "font" folder you can add a file AMCSL.TTF, which will be your new font;
4. "iTap" contains ru.km, ws002d.km and LxS_iTAP_Dict_Russian.bin (Russian dict), en-us.km and LxS_iTAP_Dict_AmericanEnglish.bin (English), zh-cn.km and LxS_iTAP_Dict_Chinese_Simplified_GB2312.bin (Chinese);
5. "picture" contains file ROKR.png which is your default wallpaper;
6. "poweroff" - splash_powerdown_ani_full.gif;
7. "poweron" - splash_powerup_ani_full.gif;
8. "ringtones" - your melodies/ringtones. Name them Message.mp3, Ring.mp3 and Silence.mp3;
9. "sounds" contains the system sounds. You can change/delete them;
10. "string" shows which languages are available for the phone. For example if you wish to delete the Chinese or Russian languages - just delete the folder and it will be gone (additionally delete the iTap files!);
11. "volumetable" stores the popular ezx_volumetable.cfg;
12. "vui" - contains the voice commands. You can change them easily.

The firmware also supports the HSA menu, system folder visible, 4MB java heap, APMD 312/520/520, telnet, samba, ftp, /ezxlocal/Kaleidoscope.txt for configuration of Kaleidoscope functions, video 177x144 and 240x320, ilove3d kernel with ext2/ext3/loop support, "On always" for bluetooth, no-SIM usage, Dialing Prefix and Barred Services available, many archives support (mtf tar gz ins rar zip lin sh gzip 7z tar.gz tgz bz2 tar.bz2 tar.gz), many text file formats (txt ini c cfg phm chm java log conf types net lst desktop), E2MPlayer (reads avi divx asf wmv mpeg mpg mpe vob m1v m2v flv m4v ogm mkv mka mov qt ogg dat bin iso mpc vro), Autorun and First support, etc...

If you wish to add skins, please name them xxx.skin.rar or xxx.skin.zip. The archive must contain setuptheme and skin folders.

The programs are awesome: PhoneManager, Calls Firewall, System Status, Setup timeout, HeapManager, Audio Switcher, Block the thief, Cameraedit by T3D, E2Setting, HideFolder, OpenWith, Smartlight, RokrLight, Snapshot, E2Mplayer, Vmemory, MediaRenamer, EFEM, SplitSD, SwapControl, RockBox, GameBoy, ICQ (Jimm) and Opera Mini. Do you want more? Flash it to find out :)
Download HERE