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E2 DARK LIZU Print E-mail
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
its from proveious Lizu 4AP
Bugs fixed: * Bug of the characters in the play lists
* Bug iLaunch from the bar.

Applications Add / Remove and in turn adapted and change General Terms:

* Stopwatch: Pulled the old version, and updated with the latest version of NestorMan.
* Removed from the menu: Yahoo mail and facebook.
* Video-set aggregate.
* AudioSwitcher added.
* MyToolBox: multilingual, partly created by me, a bit more functional, now: backupea / delete / restore UserMenuTree. Turn on the date Bt.Cambia and operates and performs data erasure.
* Changed the multilanguage version of APMDSwitcher.
* E2ProcessMgrX added.
* Maxx Backuptools the aggregate. Very complete.
* Remove the skins and ZN5 LIZU. And added the skins ZN5 darkshadow indium and 4AP (thanks Pablito, I did re (A))
* Changed and adapted by the maxx rokrFile IV with multi-language support with their side scripts. Was modified and added support for txt, cfg, lin, sh to open it with the Tread and modify and run with the TextEditor in the case of the executable. This requires the associate OpenWith with Rokr (the rokr file).
Something quite comfortable in my opinion, porqe is better or easier to see the texts with the Tread qe with texteditor.
* Removed rokrmenu (based on the e2-menu Moha) and replaced by Shortcutx1.6 and added to autorun.
* Added font changer and fontpreviewer.
* Kaleidoscope is now multilingual
* Multilanguage Sysinfo added.
* Multilanguage SCREEN3 added. If enabled is to restart, no porq: s.
* Added multilanguage Hidefolder
* BINARY readconfig added.
* Multilanguage added FastLoad
* Qplayer made multilingual.
* Added Spanish langpack English.
* Added TextEditor NestorMan 2.5b
* Added ShortCutX to usermenutree.

BAD THINGS / boludeces: * Now you need to reboot to activate the screen3, but not to clear.
* The FsMan 1.3b2 works, but the version 1.5b, it seems to work randomly uu (so I decided not to add)

Thanks to the creator of Lizu (Subin Khan), Pablito, Nestor, Moha, chrissfloresta, Kolerts, Arctu, Lasly, Taurnil, Kidscracker, and others. Remember that this fw is almost a stew of things that I have to admit that drama if not for them would not have been possible.

Thanks papa for the tip of the legend "keypad locked."
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