Screen Capture MPKG program Print E-mail
Friday, 20 October 2006

With this little MPKG program you can make screenshots of your phone screen very easy. 

First your Motorola ROKR E2 must be at least 36P firmware or higher.
Then copy Cap_E2.mpkg into your SD card and install it (just run the file trough your File Manager). When you do that you will see a new green computer icon on your desktop. Run this capture program to take a screenshot of the Motorola E2 screen (when taking a screenshot it will make a "jingling" sound).

Defalt set is to take 3 shots in interval of 1 second
The files are named with pic_n (n for number), saved in the directory "cap" on you SD card
There is a bmp.bat file. You should run it can turn the sceenshots into BMP file.

Download HERE

PS: Program name is Chinese,you can edit the cap.desktop file in your SD card directory to chage the name

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Updated by yan0

P.S. You may actually find the following article much more useful: Take screenshots via Telnet on Motorola ROKR E2 screen

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